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Is America moving toward communism?

In 2017: 1. Working on a bill that allows the government, corporate interests and businesses to block what information and how much information you can get on the internet. 2. Bill already passed to sell your personal information to the highest bidder with no jurisdictional restraints or codes. 3. Working on a tax plan that will help rich people get richer and have protection clauses in it that will ensure middle class and less will pay a larger percentage of taxes. 4. Government is now running a message of party affiliation of morality which allows them to make even more laws that affect you with no checks and balances of a moral system. 5. A veil was pulled back on how so much of America is ran by perverted middle aged rich men with no moral compass and no sense of equality just self interest. 6. NFL players took a knee asking America to open up their eyes to racism, hatred and bigotry but many working Class Americans viewed it as disrespect to the flag and a distraction. 7. Government says it should have control of Media information and influence of what the DOJ should or shouldn’t investigate based on if they like it or not. Also telling us based on their opinion what news is real or fake. 8. Government is now allowed to make private money off of the influence of holding public office with no restraints or control. 9. Government now spends its time with Media ( our public assess to them ) simply name calling, berating and talking about each other, any one that opposes their agenda or anyone that disagrees with the government. 10. Government focusing on passing laws that will give immigrants access to America based on merit, income and benefit they can prove to America while wanting building walls with allies and tear down the diplomatic bridges formed with others countries that respect American influence on world. *Doesn’t sound like a democracy at all but more like N. Korea, Russia, Egypt, Syria or any other country ran by dictators!  

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