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Opioid Crisis Vs Crack Cocaine Crisis!

Reading this Tweet by fellow Louisiana Native Wendell Pierce made me think about something troubling to our society!

If you log on to the internet or turn on the television today I am sure you will hear about the opioid crisis. The crisis based on drug addiction is all over our basic media outlets. 

As I watched news today I sat and watched as a police officer became a huge hit and instant internet star for adopting the infant child of a young woman who was hooked on heroin. They showed him and the child and him talking to the mother of the child. 

They showed many treatment centers reaching out to the young lady offering free sympathy, free help, room and board and treatment for her drug addiction. She declined stating the opioid addiction is too strong! It truly made me think!

Let me be the first

to say my heart goes out to any one addicted to drugs because I have had several family members whose lives were derailed by drugs. With that being said. Why are so many people locked up behind bars, left to struggle and looked at harshly for the drugs that mainly affect minority communities but we get national media attention diverted toward the opioid crisis. Why is it that we look at people of color addicted to drugs as the problem and not of them having a problem. 

Opioid addiction is a  crisis looked at as a problem, and something that needs government intervention and rightfully so but just like family members of myself and many others of a darker persuasion and not of the opioid category, should we not see it the exact same way? It's time we take a hard look at and have open dialogue about the way we handle problems in America.

Most of my blogs are to encourage thinking not to claim I have the solution. 

When a person truly loves someone and would like for them to get help it is not about the color of their skin or the drug of choice or is it? The layers hidden in silence will not get addressed or fixed draped in silence. 

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