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Do Some People Enjoy Losing Control?

dopamine (do·pa·mine) a compound present in the body as a neurotransmitter and a precursor of other substances including epinephrine. This is what creates addictive behavior. When drinking, smoking, having sex, receiving a compliment, attention or a simple like on social media it is trigger. It is a chemical reaction given off by the body that makes us feel good. It is very addictive. Some that feed on hurting others, being mean, being in drama or mess receive this boost but even stronger. Many ask why secular, meaningless or shallow things make so many people happy and this is why. If we ever wonder why it is hard to think positive, encourage others or just have a positive outlook on life, just think. At an early age we subconsciously figure out the fastest ways to get a dose of dopamine. What does that mean? We have to reprogram ourselves subconsciously to stop needing a quick fix of (feel good) and learn to love our selves naturally to find a balance and not be subconsciously controlled or influenced by a need for a fix.  

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